Don’t believe that!
Don’t believe that! – Cofacts as a democratic technology to engage with online misinformation Created by Taiwanese tech community g0v, the platform Cofacts promises "to help separate misinformation from fact". It aims to do so in a manner that is transparent and easily accessible to end users and fact checkers alike, inviting everyone to participate in the latter group while providing a simple interface via a bot for the LINE chat app for the former. Can it deliver on this promise and is fact-checking even the right avenue towards effectively combatting misinformation spread in societies that have been described as "post-truth"? Barbara Engelhart Barbara Engelhart is a graduate student at the University of Vienna and teacher at a technical high-school in Vienna. Her areas of interest include ethics of technology, collective responsibility and anthropology of violence. She is currently finishing her Masters thesis in the field of Linguistics. Introduction You ope...